Many people have a similar opportunity to get good advice and knowledge from the successful and positive people around them. They. They listen to positive words, read many books written by many successful people around the world, but what? What they get seems to be less or less than what they expected.
Sometimes people do not know and always ask themselves why after reading and listening Given all that advice and their lives still seem to change nothing positively? While for others, they have listened, read and received the same advice, but the results seem to have changed dramatically. Back? Because of what?
Even after reading and listening to positive advice, the results are different because of the actions that You do it after you have listened to the advice or read all the books. It is the action you take when no one is watching you. Sounds a little different, but in fact it is a little different. Will give back different results like heaven and earth.
Remember that once you get all that knowledge, either way, it does not just make You just feel good and want to just for a moment, all that knowledge is made to Make you see the goal and know yourself better to decide to do your job. . More than that, understand that if you listen to good advice, you should listen to develop yourself and learn. Recitation continues, but if you just listen, just listen and do not take the knowledge you have acquired. No, you will still be yourself and no positive change will happen. Remember that only actions that you take after listening to any positive advice are considered Useful, but if you just listen, all that advice is still nonsense.
So have you made a clear decision to make a positive change for yourself? When no one is watching or seeing? Do you really want to continue to learn and absorb new knowledge after you receive positive advice? That? Or you want to be like some other person who goes back to doing the same thing without taking it. The knowledge that you have acquired and applied to change your life?
Remember this important point that knowledge should let you all know: When you understand that the work itself In the process, no one is watching or you see, you are wrong. In all that you do, there is always someone watching you, and that person is you. In the future. Successful people in the future are reminding you every day to work hard and apply the knowledge you know. Apply it so you can be proud of what you have achieved. Do not make yourself feel sad and disappointed in yourself at all.
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