Four factors that determine what you will become in the next 10 years

Four factors that determine what you will become in the next 10 years

Can you imagine what you will be like in the next 10 years or what the future holds? Yes, although we cannot predict the future, we can determine it by what we do now. Here are four key pointers in moving forward with your next 10 years.

1. Books you read

Reading books is feeding the brain. If you read the right book (good book), then your brain will also be strong, but if you just read the book Patna Pain carelessly, your brain will only get sour food that turns the head into a trash can. Only rotten things. Reading the wrong book not only makes you get the wrong data, it also costs a lot of time. So the first step is to get into the habit of reading books, and then you have to choose the right book to read. Choosing the right book to read is a matter of choosing books based on your skills, looking at the publishing house, and looking at the author, editor, or translator. By reading books regularly for 10 years, you will become a great new person.

2. People you associate with

Socializing with people is an important determinant of your future. As the saying goes, "Tell me about your friend," and "I will know who you are." Socializing is more powerful than we think, so do not be offended. The smoke from the stove every day will turn the roof black without the chef paying attention. If you want to be knowledgeable, you have to associate with knowledgeable people. If you want to be rich, you have to associate with the rich. Another good proverb says that if you walk with five lions, you will become the sixth lion. If you associate with 5 doctors, you will become the sixth doctor.

3. Habits you cultivate every day

Observe Yourself Do you have habits that lead to growth and a better future? Do you have a habit of reading books, reading news, researching, discussing work and business as friends, exercising, meditating or having fun at home? Or are you developing a habit of sleeping sluggishly at work, addicted to gaming, lazy, lying, not planning daily activities, having a lot of negative thoughts, or just gossiping about others? Your daily routine will become your culture and your culture will determine the destiny of your life. If you have bad habits, you will have a bad culture and eventually you will not hope for a better future. So, if you have good habits, please continue to do so, but if you do not have them, cultivate good habits for the next 10 years, you will have a great future.

4. The food you eat

There is a saying in English, you are what you eat, which means that if we eat what we eat, our health will be the same. If you eat unhealthy food, you will not be healthy accordingly. As we all know in the previous video, health is something we must be very careful not to lose easily. If you do not eat well or drink too much today, you will become ill 10 years from now. Then all the money you earn will be spent on treatment, the knowledge you read from the books will not be used and the good habits that you try to cultivate will not work for you. Therefore, love your health as much as your life. 

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