4 Universe Laws You Must Know

 4 Universe Laws You Must Know

The reference to the laws of the universe is not intended to boast of being a scholar or a scholar. But just want to share what some of you do not know or some do not know, but there is negligence that can lead to bad results in life. What you will know is that the key to life is indispensable. Do not hesitate for a long time, please invite all fans to follow as follows.

1. Law of Attraction

For the first law, it is believed that many people have heard and practiced. But if you do not know about this law, please follow carefully. What you have today is the result of your past actions. And what caused the act? Is an idea. "Ideas" will turn into actions. What you think about often will move on to you little by little. The law of attraction does not matter what is right or wrong. If you think negative things often, bad things will come to you. On the other hand, if you think about good things often, good things will happen to you. It is because of this law that many people in poverty are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. Why? Because the poor in mind are concerned only with things that make them poor, and the rich in mind are only concerned with money or how to make money. So be very careful with our little thoughts.

2. Paul Law

What is Paul's law? As we know, our earth has two poles (the North Pole and the South Pole). This law stipulates that everything that happens is twofold (bad, good, black, high, low, near, far, etc.). Things that happen in our lives are no different, there are always two parts. But sadly most of us see or capture only part of it. When we encounter disappointing things, we think only of bad things, and when we encounter happy things, we think of only good things. In fact, there are two. A gentleman says, "In danger there is profit, in profit there is danger." So when faced with something, we must not be biased, but we must be clear about both. If we understand that this is a good thing, what is the bad thing embedded in it? Or if this is a bad thing, what good is it? Learn to think this way in accordance with the laws of our universe.

3. Law of Karma

As for the law of karma, believe me, it is not difficult to understand. We all know that what we do, we will reap. If we plant Soda trees, we do not expect to get mangoes, and if we are lazy and do not learn, we do not expect knowledge. He who sows the wind will reap the harvest of the rain, and he who sows will reap the wheat. So if we want to be good, we have to do good and want to gain the trust of others, we have to be honest with others. Do not overlook this rule, otherwise you will regret it later.

4. Time rules

The law of time states that all growth takes time. Do not imagine that today is the day to learn tomorrow or that today is the day to start a successful business. Big trees take a long time to grow, and big things take a long time to succeed. If we understand this law, we will no longer be anxious. Instead, we will do all the work patiently, diligently, with determination and slowly until one day the results will fall into our hands.


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