Eating eggs on time, 3 gold will get more benefits than expected!

Eggs are considered by experts to be a "superfood" with a high nutritional content, and adding eggs to the weekly diet will bring many benefits to the body. However, you can eat eggs at any time you want, but it is best to eat eggs at these three times to get enough nutrients:

Eat eggs in the morning

According to experts, the best time to eat eggs is during the morning. Eating eggs in the morning will help the body increase the absorption of protein and other nutrients. Not only that, after eating eggs, you will feel full for a long time, reduce hunger, help lose weight quickly.
According to the study, women who ate six eggs a week reduced their risk of breast cancer by 44%. In addition, eggs are rich in choline, which helps the brain to develop more broadly, helping the brain to function well when working and studying.

Eat eggs after exercise

Protein is an important nutrient after athletes and exercisers, and eggs are the best natural protein supplement with good nutrients to help the body maintain and develop muscle faster, prevent muscle loss as well as repair all injuries during exercise. .
Eggs are rich in protein, promote satiety, provide energy and speed up muscle recovery. After exercise, eating two boiled eggs will help the body eliminate hunger and strengthen the ability to
 build muscle.

Eat eggs in the evening

Evening or night is a good time to eat eggs, but very few people know all this. Eating eggs in the evening will help the body produce serotonin and melatonin, two amino acids that help suppress hunger and help you sleep better. Each egg has only 20 calories and is not fat, even if eaten in the evening is not afraid to gain weight.

In addition, these amino acid compounds also stimulate neutrons to produce arsenic, which promotes a good night's sleep. However, you should eat about 1-2 eggs is enough because if you eat too much will create the opposite reaction and cause insomnia. 

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