This is a group of foods that women should and should not do to strengthen hair, reduce hair loss.

 Nowadays, most people in order to make their hair healthy, strong and grow long, always look for all methods, such as using with modern products, as well as some natural formulas. But more importantly, in addition to all those products, you should be very careful with your daily diet. Here are the foods you should and should not eat for healthy hair:

Good food for hair:

1. Avocados: A fruit that has many health benefits that help provide your body with two specific nutrients needed to prevent (or at least reduce) hair loss and promote hair growth, and one of the nutrients in Among those nutrients is fat.

Research has shown that avocados are high in vitamin E, which can promote new hair growth. In particular, vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, targeting free radicals, keeping skin cells on the scalp healthy, helping to strengthen hair.

2. Sour milk: Sour milk can help protect the top layer of your skin from inflammation, which can lead to stronger hair follicles. Because yogurt contains probiotics, it can support these beneficial bacteria in your gut.

Yogurt is a good source of pantothenic acid and vitamin B5, which can not only help lower cholesterol and arthritis, but also good for your circulatory system. In addition, the circulatory system is better at bringing more blood to the scalp to support hair growth.

3. Eggs: Eggs are not only delicious, they also contain many nutrients needed to keep your hair strong. More importantly, eggs are a rich source of protein, minerals, zinc and selenium, both of which are important for keeping your hair strong.

4. Beans: Beans are rich in amino acids that the body needs to use to build tissue and repair damaged tissue, including tissue that forms new hair. In addition to amino acids, soy is also rich in antioxidants, which reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular problems and cancer.

5. Fruits: Fruits are high in vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron well, as well as support healthy hair and can help hair grow faster. Among all the fruits, you can give priority to strawberries, mangoes and kiwis to increase vitamin C in the diet as necessary.

Foods to avoid for healthy hair:

1. High sugar intake: Insulin resistance, which can be caused by eating and drinking large amounts of sugar, is a major factor in hair loss. If a person is resistant to insulin, their blood sugar levels can rise and lead to hair loss and baldness. High in sugar but no protein.

2. Alcohol in beer: Alcohol can cause premature gray hair because low copper levels can cause hair to lose color quickly. In addition, some researchers believe that alcohol can protect the body from properly absorbing protein, affecting the thyroid gland and hormones that can lead to thinning hair and hair loss.

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