Why want to kill yourself? The question is

 Why want to kill yourself?

Suicide is not uncommon, because in every country and region, people commit suicide. But what is observed to be somewhat different is why all people decide to end their lives. In fact, dozens of Japanese people have decided to end their lives due to work pressures, the burden of family burdens and other psychological crises. You've probably heard the name Oakigahara Suicide Forest, haven't you? This terrifying place is the last resort of many Japanese people who are desperate for life.

The question is, "Can suicide really end the problem?" Chinese scholar Zhou Kerliang once said, "If death can solve the problem, why do people try to live?" Each of our lives is priceless. Just sometimes we do not think long and hard, which makes us invisible to the value of life.

First, our lives are precious because they rarely come. Being human is a rare blessing. We try to think of all the people on earth, there are only about 8 billion, which is not the same as a moth. If we compare the number of people and the number of living things on this earth, we will see that being born as a human being is a very rare and very lucky birth. Being born again does not necessarily mean that we are fortunate enough to be born again. So if we are born human, we must live worthily.

Second, our lives have value because they have a cause for living. Animal life has no cause, which is different from human life. Animals live instinctively from day to day, from season to season, they live in the same habit from generation to generation, sleeping, reproducing and even dying. Its descendants do the same thing over and over again. As for us humans, we have a cause for life. Each of us has a mission to fulfill, some as doctors are born to treat them, some as teachers born to educate them, some as engineers born to build houses, bridges, roads and other buildings, you Some are politicians born to lead society forward, etc. And etc. But sadly, some people can not find or do not know the cause of their lives, so they decide to kill themselves. Precious lives are lost in the blink of an eye. Really sad.

Third, our lives are precious because they grow up with great difficulty. Growing up, people are very difficult and often risk losing their lives. Other animals just hatch or hatch in less than a few hours, and they are able to stand on their own two feet and stand up and walk. But we humans need up to every month to be able to turn around, stand up and walk. As we grow older, tens of thousands of animals will die to become our food, and especially our parents will have to go through countless hardships to take care of us. Not only that, they both even dared to sacrifice their lives for us. So, when we want to think short about ending our own lives, let us think of our parents' efforts to nurture and take care of us.

Today, a small number of our young people have chosen suicide as a way to end the problem. Death does not guarantee that death will follow, nor does it leave much to be desired for the living, and the dead may not be able to escape. No matter how big the problem, whether it's love, family, work or business, we should not use suicide as a solution. We should take some time off to find a quiet place and find some time to think about our problems. First, we need to find out the root of the problem. Once we find the root of the problem, we need to think about how to solve it step by step. Then we begin to implement our solutions with courage, accuracy, conscience, and responsibility. This is called a real person. Problems arise for us to solve, not for us to commit suicide. When we solve a problem, we become smarter than ever. And the more problems we solve, the more knowledge and experience we have. So give hope to our precious life and finally do not forget to whisper to yourself, "My life is very precious, I must continue to live my life to the best of my ability."


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