Why do we need to have a purpose in life?

 Why do we need to have a purpose in life?

When it comes to life goals, many people are intrigued. Why interested? Because it is a matter of our individual lives. Do anything with a goal? We learn because we want to be this or want to be that? We do this work because we have such a goal? In other words, even if we are lazy, we aim for what we are lazy for. But such light-hearted or ambiguous goals cannot help our lives to grow farther. At the same time, some people do not even know what their goals are. Living without a purpose is a dangerous thing to do. How dangerous is it? Here are three key pointers in moving your life forward.

1. The goal is to create a life map.

Each person has his or her own cause of birth. But some find out the cause, and some do not. The cause of our lives is determined by the goals and actions we take to reach them. If we do not have a clear idea of ​​where we are going, what we need, or what we want, our lives will drift like a wolf in the middle of a river. Translated to be born, we also drift to be born). People who drift aimlessly cannot take root and build a better future for themselves.

On the other hand, people who have a purpose in life are like people who have a map in hand when traveling. At every stage of life, they know where they are and where they are going. When incorporating daily, weekly, and monthly action plans and dates into our goals, we get a life map for the journey. Have a life map in hand and we really cannot get lost and our life will grow because we do not waste time trying to do this a little or do that a little emotionally. Determine where you want to go and start right away. When we know the goal and all the time and all our activities, we all spend and do with the most value.

2. The goal is to get our hands up when we fall.

In the journey to achieve the goal, we must encounter many obstacles and failures. But no matter how many times we fall or how much it hurts, as long as we think of our goal, we will have the strength to stand up and continue to fight hard to reach our goal. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. It's no different from a lamp that runs out of oil (when the wind blows a little, it goes out). Life without a purpose is like that, if you live, you do not know what you live for, and if you fall, you do not know what to get up and move on. Finally, they took the Brahma letter and claimed, “That's it! "My life is destined to meet such failures, and even if I keep trying, there will be no results."

But for people who have a purpose in life, they absolutely do not give up. Let the story of Brahma be written aside. When this life is with us, it dies, lives by our decisions, we must live well, live usefully, live strong and live with meaning.

3. Goals let us know who we need to work with

If you are not an island in the middle of the ocean, you certainly cannot live alone. Our human life is inevitably intertwined with others. But the point is, such involvement can result in a glorious life or even a tragic life. If you do not know what kind of person to live with, set a goal in life (you will know). Life goals can tell us who we should live with, should be friends with, should accept as teachers or business partners. Anyone who is not involved in our life goals, we do not care to touch them, because it is useless and a waste of time. The more we live with the right people and the right place, the sooner our goals will be achieved.

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  1. If you are not an island in the middle of the ocean, you certainly cannot live alone. Our human life is inevitably intertwined with others. But the point is, such involvement can result in a glorious life or even a tragic life.


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